RMK MARINE has launched LILY PG successfully by a ceremony conducted on 17th April 2018. LILY PG, the 7.000 Dwt IMO II Chemical and Oil Products Tanker with stainless steel cargo tanks, with Hull Nr.NB115 being built for Pritchard Gordon Tankers (PGT) Ltd., the British owner of the Ship, is the eigtheenth ship that RMK MARINE has built in the chemical tanker segment. The awareness created by RMK MARINE in the shipbuilding sector with its 17 projects realized in this segment previously, the Client satisfaction and trust by building and delivering the first ship, ROSE PG for PGT, has secured the order of 2nd Ship.
Mr.Adnan Nefesoglu, RMK MARINE’s CEO, underlined in his speech that it has been a great privelege for them for being chosen by PGT to design and build their special and precious ship, by taking into account the challenging conditions of the global shipping and shipbuilding market.
Mr. Rory Aird, who spoke on behalf of the Owner, PGT family, delivered a short speech in the launching ceremony too. He thanked to RMK MARINE and its personnel who spent great efforts for the success of NB115 Project so far.
The ceremony was completed following the launch of LILY PG.